Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Referrals

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Referrals
Nik Gogna
21, Feb 2025

I am pleased to inform perspective patients and dentists that I shall be inviting referrals for those diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and/or suffering with snoring.

With long NHS waiting lists and more patients being diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, there is a demand for patient’s to be seen sooner.  Therefore, my private Obstructive Sleep and Snoring clinics will be based in Clifton Orthodontics (Bristol) and Weston Orthodontics (Weston Super Mare).

The treatment I shall be offering will be a Mandibular Advancement Device (known as a Sleepwell device).

  • Patient’s will have a consultation to assess symptoms and carry out a comprehensive dental exam.
  • A scan will be taken on the same day and the device will be fitted 2-3 weeks later.
  • Patient’s may be referred for a sleep study to get a diagnosis of sleep apnoea.

The cost for the initial consultation, construction and fitting of the snoring device and 3-month review will be a total £800.